Legacy Academy of Kingdom Living

Who is The Legacy Academy of Kingdom Living and why do we exist?

We are a group of reformers dedicated to learning and growing in our identity as ambassadors and heirs of God. We are passionate about learning Heaven's culture and establishing it here on earth. We aim to raise up reformers.

Unlike some Christian schools, we don’t exist to train preachers to occupy pulpits, though we believe some of our students will certainly end up reaching millions from a public stage. We exist to fully equip reformers to occupy the world, whether it is in the workplace, coffee shop, or sanctuary, with the reality, culture, and atmosphere of the Kingdom of Heaven.

What is a Reformer?

One whose sole purpose is to put an end to a broken system by introducing or enforcing a heavenly method and Kingdom course of action. Reformers live a life that reflects heaven in all of its aspects, not only in heavenly supernatural exploits, but also in its values, attitudes, and decisions. Jesus was the “express image of the Father,” and He sent us out as He was sent. The life of a reformer answers the questions the world has about Heaven’s heart and Heaven’s culture by sustaining a lifestyle that reflects the person of Jesus. Miracles become solutions and the supernatural becomes natural. Reformers make students of their cities and saints of its citizens by actively loving, teaching, and serving the people they have the opportunity to influence.

When and where does class take place?

The two years require class attendance and participation. Each new year begins in January. We meet Tuesday evenings from 6-9pm at Legacy Church.

January-May: Class every Tuesday from 6-9pm at Legacy Church
June-August: Summer break
September-November: Class every Tuesday from 6-9pm at Legacy Church
December: Winter break

For our online students who live beyond the 45 mile radius from Legacy Church, class will be recorded each Tuesday. You have the option to watch live or watch the recording during the week it is posted. Class attendance and participation will still be expected in weekly Zoom calls with a small group.

What does class look like?

Each class night is set up to have three sessions with three 10-minute breaks in between. We have three styles of teaching: lecture, discovery, and experience. Each class will be set up slightly differently.

Is there homework?

Each student is required to read a selection of books each year. They will each be broken down into 5 page per day increments that you will read along with the class so that you can participate in discussions together. Students will also be reading the Bible: there are 2 options available. One is that you read the entire Bible in 2 years. The other is to read the New Testament 2 times in 2 years. Pastor Tommy uses the NKJV but you may use the one most suited to you.

Is the academy accredited?

It is not an accredited program, but you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of your third year.

Tuition Information

COST: Yearly tuition is $1,200.00, which includes printed student materials and admission to all church-wide conferences. Tuition DOES NOT cover the cost of books for required reading.